To get to clipboard history at any time, press Windows logo key + V. You can also paste and pin frequently used items by choosing an individual item from your clipboard menu.


Windows 10 added a new feature in October i.e. clipboard. We will show you how to use it.


On Windows 10 you can copy the text or image, but it is not possible to copy multiple lines or images at a time. It is no longer to see the previously copied content if you copy the new line of text or image. Thankfully, Windows 10 clipboard helps you to store the copied data and images until you manually delete the content.

By remembering these points, Windows 10 introduced a new clipboard that will store the copied data up to 4MB including images. You can also pin a certain line if you wish.

In this guide how to use the new clipboard on windows 10.

  • How to enable clipboard
  • How to sync clipboard history
  • How to clear clipboard history
  • Use clipboard

How to enable clipboard

  1. Open settings on your windows 10.
  2. Click on the system settings.
  1. Click on the clipboard, located left side of the pane.
  1. Turn the toggle switch ON to enable the clipboard.

Now you are able to use the clipboard on windows 10. Alternatively, you can also use the windows keyboard shortcut to enable the clipboard. Follow the steps to enable clipboard with the shortcut.

  1. Press the windows logo key + V on the keyboard to enable clipboard.
  2. Click the turn ON option to use the clipboard.

After doing these steps you are able to use the clipboard on your windows 10.

How to sync clipboard history

To use the content on the other devices, the clipboard is able to sync across the devices to show the content on other devices. Follow the steps to manually turn on the Sync Across the Devices.

  1. Open settings.
  2. Press on the system settings.
  3. Click on the clipboard, located left side of the pane.
  4. Turn ON the Sync Across the Devices toggle switch ON.
  1. Choose one of the automatic options.
  2. Automatically sync text that I copy: your text will be copied to the clipboard and synced to the other devices.
  3. Never automatically sync text that I copy: manually choose the text to sync it to the other devices.

Once you completed these steps, the clipboard starts sync the copied content to cloud and across the devices.

Clear clipboard history

If you want to clear the history or content that stores in your clipboard, you can simply clear the data in the history by following the steps below.

  1. Open settings.
  2. Click on the system settings.
  3. Click on the clipboard, located left side of the pane.
  1. Select on the “clear button”, under the clear clipboard data.

After completing these steps, the history will be deleted in the clipboard. But pinned items will remain until you deleted manually.

How to use clipboard on windows 10

After you update to the new version of the windows 10 you are also able to use the ctrl + c and ctrl+ v keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste the items. Similarly, you can also use the Clipboard by using the windows key + V. in this clipboard you can see the items that you have copied from the different applications. If want to use the items on the clipboard history then, follow the steps to copy the items from the history.

  1. Select the content from the application.
  2. Use ctrl+X shortcut to copy and cut the content.
  3. Open the destination file you want to paste.
  1. Use Ctrl+V to paste the content that you are selected.
  2. Pin the content to use it more times.

To share your clipboard items across your Windows 10 devices, select Start -> Settings -> System- > Clipboard.

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